UCLA-UCI Center for Eliminating Cardio-Metabolic Disparities in Multi-Ethnic Populations
Inequitable multilevel factors, including structural disadvantage, accelerate the development and progression of cardiometabolic disease and disproportionately affect low-income and minority groups. The UCLA-UCI Center for Eliminating Cardiometabolic Disparities in Multi-Ethnic Populations (UC END-DISPARITIES) functions across the highly diverse communities that comprise Los Angeles County and Orange County (combined population over 13 million, more than 46 states).
The Center will fill a gap in the current efforts to advance health equity via a multilevel community-academic partnered approach to improve cardiometabolic related health outcomes in targeted LAC and OC Latino, Black, Asian, Pacific Islander, and American Indian communities, which have some of the highest rates of cardiometabolic risk factors and premature cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the nation.
Partner Institutions