Aziza Lucas Varnado, MEd
Vice-Chair, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine

Anna (Aziza) Lucas-Wright, MEd, Assistant Professor, is the Vice-Chair of the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Co-Chair of the Division of Community Engagement, and Co-Chair of the Academic Senate’s Clinical and Community Programs within the College of Medicine  at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (CDU). Ms. Lucas Wright additionally functions as an Academic/Community Partner for the UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) at both UCLA and CDU.  Aziza is lead for the Corona Virus Prevention Network’s Community Outreach Team and Charles R Drew-Bloomberg Philanthropies Corona Virus Vaccine Clinics at CDU, a member of the STOP COVID-19 AND CEAL at UCLA, the Lead for the Faith, Community-Based Organizations and Academic Partnership sponsoring  Sabbath Town Halls.

Professor Lucas Wright represents CDU on the Historic Black Medical School’s (HBMS) Regeneron Committee aimed at developing a novel strategy to increase community awareness and participation in a HBMS-led and controlled Precision Medicine initiative.  Aziza has functioned as Principal Investigator and currently as an Investigator of numerous pilot studies conducted in the faith community within the Division of Cancer Research and Training-Center to Eliminate Cancer Health Disparities. Her efforts are grounded in Community-Partnered Participatory Research frameworks  aimed to advance Translational Science.  Professor Lucas Wright is the Executive Director of South Central Prevention Coalition and is Consultant to Healthy African American Families on numerous projects within the Service Planning areas.