
Photo of community volunteers

Community Engagement (CE) teams facilitate bi-directional collaboration between research teams and local community members, community based organizations, and other impacted stakeholders. CE is essential for:

  • Establishing and maintaining collaborations between researchers, community organizations, clinicians and healthcare systems, public health agencies, policymakers, and other key stakeholders
  • Serving as a focal point for organizing and nurturing productive, bi-directional relationships between Core members and communities and stakeholder groups
  • Developing research questions and engaging in research/data collection
  • Translating relevant research findings into community and systems-level interventions to promote health equity
  • Disseminating information and findings to key audiences, including local communities, community-based organizations, policymakers, clinicians and healthcare systems, public health agencies, and other key stakeholders

Each Research Center includes a Community Engagement Core and participates in the national Community Education Working Group (CEWG), convened by the Research Coordinating Center.

"Health disparities are driven by social inequities. Engaging community in the research process will generate a broader perspective and understanding of the social inequities at play and promise to increase the efficacy, relevance and applicability of the interventions that emerge from the research."

Kim Rhoads, MPH, MD, MS
Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, UCSF School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco

Community Engagement Working Group

The Community Engagement Working Group (CEWG), is composed of leaders and relevant stakeholders from each funded center. They meet monthly to advance a common agenda for meaningful community engagement.


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