Chinese American Caregivers' Attitudes Toward Tube Feeding for Persons with Dementia - USA, 2021-2022


What is already known about this topic?: Little is known about Chinese American dementia caregivers' attitudes toward tube feeding.

What is added by this report?: To address this knowledge gap, the paper seeks to characterize participants' attitudes toward tube feeding based on a survey conducted among Chinese American dementia caregivers.

What are the implications for public health practice?: It is crucial to develop culturally tailored interventions to promote knowledge on tube feeding and advance care planning engagement in Chinese American communities.

Keywords: Chinese Americans; dementia; end of life; tube feeding.

PubMed ID



Pei Y, Qi X, Cong Z, Wu B. Chinese American Caregivers' Attitudes Toward Tube Feeding for Persons with Dementia - USA, 2021-2022. China CDC Wkly. 2022 Nov 25;4(47):1051-1054. doi: 10.46234/ccdcw2022.211. PMID: 36751436; PMCID: PMC9889223.


Bei Wu, PhD
Yaolin Pei, PhD
Xiang Qi, PhD



Publish Date
