The Community Engagement Working Group (CEWG) is composed of leaders and relevant stakeholders from each funded center who meet monthly. Leadership of the CEWG will rotate on an annual basis between the 11 centers. We strive to ensure that co-leadership of the CEWG is shared between academic and community partners. The CEWG's work is coordinated by the Research Coordinating Center's Community Engagement Unit.
Key Activities
- Opportunities for collaboration
- Identifying structural challenges in Community Engagement
- Sharing best practices and lessons learned
- Accelerating the development of subcommittees to develop manuscripts, Op-Eds and other forms of communications to promote new approaches to community engagement

Evaluation Metrics Subcommittee
The Evaluation Metrics Subcommittee is comprised of self-identified members of the CEWG. It is charged with vetting, selecting, and paring down a suite of evaluation metrics for all consortium members to collect over the life of the award. The subcommittee meets on a monthly basis and vets a list of validated Community Engagement measures that capture and characterize a commitment to community partner involvement at all levels of the research process including: crafting RFAs (pilot studies); reviewing proposals; participating on research teams; crafting questions; participating in data collection, analysis, interpretation and drafting of manuscripts, white papers and other opinion pieces.
2022-23 Chairs
- Nicole Wolfe, PhD
University of Southern California - Adriana Argaiz, MSSP
University of Southern California
Addressing Cardiometabolic Health Inequities by Early PreVEntion in the GREAT LakEs Region
- Toria Turner
Community partner - Ijeoma Opara, MD
Co-Investigator, Project 1
Co-Investigator, Project 2
Wayne State University - Rhonda Dailey, MD
Wayne State University
Director, Community Engagement Core - Elizabeth Towner, PhD
Wayne State University
Center for Chronic Disease Reduction and Equity Promotion Across Minnesota
- Antony Stately, PhD
Native American Community Clinic - Rebekah Pratt, PhD
University of Minnesota Medical School
Director, Community Engagement Core - Maiyia Kasouaher, PhD
University of Minnesota
Chicago Chronic Condition Equity Network
- Darryl Jenkins
Faith Community Church of Itasca
Community partner - David Ansell, MD, MPH
Rush University - Sheila Dugan, MD
Rush University - Sean Price
Rush University
Director, Community-based Research Network - Doriane Miller, MD
University of Chicago Medicine
Director, Community Engagement Core - Uche Onwuta, MS, MPH
Kane County Health Department
Community Partner
Rutgers-NYU Center for Asian Health Promotion and Equity
- Keith Tsz-Kit Chan, Ph.D., LMSW
Hunter College at the City University of New York
Co-Director, Community Engagement Core - Emerson Ea, PhD, DNP, MS, BSN
New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing
Co-Director, Community Engagement Core
Center to Improve Chronic Disease Outcomes through Multi-level and Multi-generational Approaches Unifying Novel Interventions and Training for Health Equity
- Desiree Walker
Community partner - Olajide Williams, MD, MS
Columbia University
Principal Investigator (MPI)
Principal Investigator, Project 3 - Elizabeth Cohn, PhD, RN
Hunter College School of Nursing
Principal Investigator (MPI) - Judelysse (Judy) Gomez, PhD
Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing, City University of New York
Co-Director, Community Engagement Core (CONNECTOME) - Louise Bier, MS, CGC
Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing, City University of New York
Co-Director, Community Engagement Core (CONNECTOME)
Center for Research, Health, and Social Justice
- Valandra German, DrPH
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Director, Community Engagement Core
Community Engagement Core - Pebbles Fagan, PhD, MPH
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Principal Investigator (MPI)
Principal Investigator, Project 2 - Carol Ellen Cornell, PhD
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Principal Investigator (MPI)
Director, Administrative Core
Deep South Center for Health Equity
- Vivian Carter, PhD
Tuskegee University - Caroline Compretta, PhD
University of Mississippi
Co-Director, Community Engagement Core
Mid-Atlantic Center for Cardiometabolic Health Equity
- Chidinma Ibe, PhD
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity
Director, Community Engagement Core - Debra Hickman
Sisters Together and Reaching
Community partner
Research Coordinating Center to Reduce Disparities in Multiple Chronic Diseases
- Kim Rhoads, MD, MS, MPH
University of California San Francisco
Principal Investigator (MPI)
Director, Community Engagement Unit - Greg Rebchook, PhD
University of California San Francisco
Associate Director, Community Engagement Unit - Barbara Green-Ajufo, DrPH, MPH
University of California San Francisco
Manager, Community Engagement Unit
Southern California Center for Latino Health
- Adriana Argaiz, MSSP
University of Southern California - Rosa Barahona
University of Southern California - Nicole Wolfe, PhD
University of Southern California - Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, PhD, MPH
University of Southern California
Co-Director, Administrative Core & Community Engagement Core - Michele Kipke, PhD
University of Southern California and Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Co-Director, Community Engagement Core
Southeast Collaborative for Innovative and Equitable Solutions to Chronic Disease Disparities
- Arthur Blank, PhD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Olveen Carrasquillo, MD, MPH
University of Miami Health System
Director, Community Engagement Core - Ana Riccio
University of Miami Health System - Philip Law
University of Miami Health System - Rocio Bustamante
University of Miami Health System - Ana Palacio, MD MPH
University of Miami Health System - Selena Carpenter, MEd
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
UCLA-UCI Center for Eliminating Cardio-Metabolic Disparities in Multi-Ethnic Populations
- Pam Pimental, RN
University of California, Irvine/MOMS OC
Member, UC END DISPARITIES Executive Committee
Community Engagement Core Co-Lead
Community partner - Aziza Lucas-Wright, M.Ed.
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science/Avalon Carver
Member, UC END DISPARITIES Executive Committee
Community Engagement Core Co-Lead
Community partner - Arleen Brown, MD, PhD
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Member, UC END DISPARITIES Executive Committee
Administrative Core Co-Lead - Keith Norris, MD, PhD
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Member, UC END DISPARITIES Executive Committee
Administrative Core Co-Lead
Member, Community Engagement Core - Stefanie Vassar, MS
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Member, Administrative Core
Center Director - Krystal Griffith-Lloyd
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Member, Administrative Core
Center Coordinator - Emily Drum, MPH
University of California Irvine (UCI)
Member, Administrative Core
Program Manager - Sora Tanjasiri, DrPH, MPH
University of California Irvine (UCI)
Member, Community Engagement Core - Mona AuYoung, PhD, MS, MPH
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Member, Community Engagement Core