89 French Street, 2nd Floor
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
United States
Dr. Gaur has been working with children and families with HIV/AIDS since 1983 when the first child was diagnosed with AIDS in central New Jersey. She has been the Director of the Robert Wood Johnson AIDS Program in New Brunswick since 1995, one of the largest Pediatric HIV Programs in New Jersey. Dr. Gaur serves as the Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the New Jersey Statewide Family Centered HIV Care Network, a Title IV network of seven pediatric HIV care centers, working collaboratively to enhance the standards of HIV care statewide and collectively providing an active voice in statewide advocacy for HIV related issues. Since 2007 Dr. Gaur has served as the Director of the Pediatric Clinical Research Center at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, the only dedicated facility for pediatric clinical research in New Jersey. Dr. Gaur also serves as the co-director of the South Asian Total Health Initiative (SATHI), a research, outreach and education initiative dedicated to improving the health of South Asians living in the United States. Her interests include HIV/AIDS, international health, tuberculosis, and community outreach.