1001 Potrero Ave, SFGH 5
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States
Dr. Mandana Khalili is the Co-Director of the UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute-Mentor Training Program aimed at training faculty to become effective research mentors. She also serves as the Co-Director of UCSF Hepatology T32 program focused on training research fellows and has an NIH funded-K24 mentoring grant aimed at supporting the research careers of early investigator trainees and junior faculty in the area of patient oriented research and her clinical/ translational research program serves as the infrastructure and the backbone for supporting research training and research activities of trainees and junior faculty. Dr. Khalili actively participates in the education and research mentoring of trainees and serve as a senior faculty for the Hepatology and also psychiatry T32-Research Training grants. In addition, she co-leads the Gastroenterology Fellow Research Conferences and training aimed at enhancing the research training and progress of our fellows in the UCSF Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. She also serves as the Director of Clinical and Translational Research in Hepatology at San Francisco General Hospital. Her research expertise includes both translational and clinical components with a longstanding track record of extramural and NIH funding in epidemiology and pathogenesis of liver disease (including viral hepatitis, fatty liver disease, alcohol-related liver disease), and metabolic manifestations. Her team has a specific focus in addressing health disparities in underserved populations and both health services and implementation science.