Improving Colorectal Cancer Screening in Alaska Native People

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August 19, 2022


Diana RedwoodDiana Redwood, PhD, is a Senior Epidemiologist at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. She has worked in the Alaska Tribal Health System since 2004. Her expertise is in public health and epidemiology, with a focus on cancer screening and prevention. She conducts research into novel methods of colorectal cancer screening outreach and new screening methods for the Alaska Native population. Her research has focused on use of the stool DNA test (Cologuard) for improving screening, including Cologuard effectiveness, patient and provider perspectives on the test, and its cost-effectiveness within the Alaska Tribal Health System. Her current R01 work is a randomized controlled trial of Cologuard in rural/remote Alaska Native communities. Dr. Redwood is an Alaska representative to the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable and is a passionate advocate for improving the health of Alaska Native people through decreasing the burden of colorectal cancer.

About the ISD Webinar Series

The Investigator Skills Development (ISD) Webinar Series is presented by the Investigator Skills Development Unit (ISDU) of the UCSF Research Coordinating Center to Reduce Disparities in Multiple Chronic Diseases (RCC-RD-MCD). 

Co-Sponsored by CAPS Town Hall and the CAPS Implementation Science and Health Systems (ISHS) Core

ISDU Director: Mandana Khalili, MD, MAS, Professor of Medicine, UCSF, Chief of Clinical Hepatology, San Francisco General Hospital

ISDU Co-Director: Edwin Charlebois, PhD, Professor of Medicine,  Division of Prevention Science, UCSF