To address the lag between effectiveness and implementation research studies and the implementation of evidence-based practices into routine care, hybrid effectiveness-implementation studies promote examination of both effectiveness and implementation outcomes within a single study. There are three types of hybrid approaches (type 1, 2, and 3) and they vary based on their primary focus and the amount of emphasis on effectiveness versus implementation outcomes. This presentation will discuss these approaches and how to select a type.
Sara J. Landes, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist interested in researching the implementation of evidence-based mental health treatments, with a focus on suicide prevention and larger health care systems. She completed a predoctoral psychology internship and a NIMH-funded NRSA postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Washington School of Medicine where she developed clinical expertise in interventions for suicide, specifically Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). During her fellowship, she helped write a NIMH-funded conference grant that resulted in the creation of the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration. Following fellowship, Dr. Landes worked at the VA’s National Center for PTSD’s Dissemination and Training Division where she was awarded a VA QUERI Rapid Response Project (RRP) to examine implementation of DBT in VA. She was also a co-investigator on two Department of Defense-funded implementation research projects that examined online training and dissemination through a provider registry. Dr. Landes is currently leading a VA HSR&D-funded project to evaluate the implementation of REACH VET, a suicide prevention intervention that utilizes predictive modeling, with the VA’s Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. She is also leading a VA QUERI-funded partnered implementation initiative grant to implement and evaluate Caring Contacts, a suicide prevention intervention, in VA emergency departments. Dr. Landes also leads the VA’s Behavioral Health QUERI Program which is focused on implementation of behavioral health interventions such as DBT, Behavioral Health Interdisciplinary Programs (BHIP) teams, and a bipolar telehealth program for veterans identified by REACH VET. Dr. Landes currently serves on the Military Suicide Research Consortium Dissemination and Implementation Core and is Past President of the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration.
The Investigator Skills Development (ISD) Webinar Series is presented by the Investigator Skills Development Unit (ISDU) of the UCSF Research Coordinating Center to Reduce Disparities in Multiple Chronic Diseases (RCC-RD-MCD).
Co-Sponsored by CAPS Town Hall and the CAPS Implementation Science and Health Systems (ISHS) Core
ISDU Director: Mandana Khalili, MD, MAS, Professor of Medicine, UCSF, Chief of Clinical Hepatology, San Francisco General Hospital
ISDU Co-Director: Edwin Charlebois, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Prevention Science, UCSF