Elaine Ku, MD, MAS is Associate Professor of Medicine in Nephrology and Co-Director of the Training in Clinical Research Program in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at UCSF. The global context of Dr. Ku’s research program focuses on understanding differences in the epidemiology, clinical management, and outcomes of children versus adults with kidney disease and the conduct of clinical trials to test interventions (such as blood pressure control) that will improve survival of patients with kidney disease. She is especially interested in transitions of care, such as that between adolescence and young adulthood, as well as that between advanced chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease (including dialysis and transplant). Dr. Ku’s specific areas of focus currently include 1) cardiovascular risk in patients with kidney disease; 2) disparities in access to kidney transplantation and transplant outcomes; and 3) risk factors for progression of chronic kidney disease.
About the ISD Webinar Series
The Investigator Skills Development (ISD) Webinar Series is presented by the Investigator Skills Development Unit (ISDU) of the UCSF Research Coordinating Center to Reduce Disparities in Multiple Chronic Diseases (RCC-RD-MCD).
Co-Sponsored by CAPS Town Hall and the CAPS Implementation Science and Health Systems (ISHS) Core
ISDU Director: Mandana Khalili, MD, MAS, Professor of Medicine, UCSF, Chief of Clinical Hepatology, San Francisco General Hospital
ISDU Co-Director: Edwin Charlebois, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Prevention Science, UCSF